How Fix ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error on Google Chrome? Read Here!

We are living in the 21st century where technical innovations and discoveries are moving as fast as the light. Every today and tomorrow, we are becoming aware of the upcoming technologies. We even have to update ourselves frequently to the latest versions of the technologies we are currently using. It is quite appreciable how science’s inventions of these technologies are making our everyday living and work at ease. But, unfortunately, these technological advancements come with associated glitches as well. One such technology is the search engine on the internet, more commonly known as the browsers. Google Chrome has been the ruling browser in every field; as it is user-friendly, reliable, faster. But even Google Chrome is not spared from these technical problems.

One of the most common problems you face while using Google Chrome is ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERANCE’. This is very frustrating when you are searching for an important document; or are enjoying your favorite site. Scarier is when Google flashes your messages like the site you are searching for is unsafe. There is nothing to worry about. This is one of the most frequent yet resolvable threats that is shown on Google. Here is everything you need to know about ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERANCE’ and also the easiest possible ways to resolve it.


The term SSL is ‘Secure Sockets Layer’. The main job of this term is to help to transmit information via TCP sockets. Google chrome also uses this to communicate with secure websites like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and others. When Google flashes this error, it means that there is a problem with loading a website with an SSL protocol. From its early time, this problem has been bothering the site. The reason why this error flashes up is to express there is a problem in determining the SSL version. It can happen for various reasons. Below are solutions according to the occurring cause of this issue.

Cause 1 – Cache : The temporary data that has been stored in Chrome’s memory conflicts with the SSL settings.

Cause 2 – TLS 1.3 : The Transport Layer Security (TLS) conflicts with the SSL on the browser, Google Chrome.

Cause 3 – Anti-Virus: While browsing through search engines, it is important to use anti-virus so that the threats from outside do not harm your device. But, sometimes, the web protection feature on the third party anti-virus interferes with the SSL, resulting in this site.

Cause 4 – Corrupt Installation Files: In rare cases, Chrome has incomplete or corrupt installation files causing this error.


Before discussing the steps for the solution, one needs to check first for a secure and stable internet connection; a private network without proxies/firewalls. Public Wifi networks cannot be used while performing this.

Clear your Browsing Data

When you use Google Chrome as a browser to access to the internet, Google saves the webpage addresses (cache) to make it easier to find for further searches. But when your Google memory is overloaded with the cache, it might face trouble to load new pages due to shallow disk space. This might cause the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERANCE error; the solution is to clear the cache. There are two ways of clearing your browser cache.

  1. Google Chrome> Press (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) to clear the browsing data.
  2. Google Chrome> Menu icon> Select History> Check to browse the history, cache images, and fill boxes> Select ‘Clear browsing data’.

Next, reload the webpage and the problem will be gone. It will also enhance the speed of your browser. However, it will never mess with the important bookmarks and saved links in your browser.

Disable TLS 1.3

As mentioned before, if TLS 1.3 is blocking your browser to have access to a web page/link, the simplest solution is to disable it. There is a high chance that the TLS 1.3 security features are incompatible with the SSL installed in Google Chrome. To disable, follow the given steps.

  1. Open Chrome; then type chrome://flags/#tls13-variant in the address bar
  2. Locate the TLS; then open the drop-down menu next to it
  3. Click on the ‘Disabled’ option to disable it.

Next, try to reload your browser and your issue will no longer be there if it was caused by the TLS 1.3.

Setting Current Date and Time

The security certificates that allow the sits to access is valid for a certain period. Once the period is over, it is considered as invalid/expired. And then die to the security issues, Google does not allow you to access any of the sites. The site might be valid, but it just does not match with your system’s date. Hence it is making Google difficult to verify whether the site is authentic or not. Update the time, date, and time zone of your system and then try to reopen the browser.

Flush the DNS Cache

When you clear the cache of the DNS, it reduces the to streamline the process of DNS looking up to resolve domain names of specific and particular IP addresses. But, there is always a security issue related to this process. To flush the DNS cache of your computer, follow the steps accordingly-

  1. Open your computer.
  2. To open the search box, press the Windows+ S

Type ‘Command Prompt’ in the search box

  1. From the following options, select Command Prompt by right-clicking on it.
  2. Next select ‘Run as Administrator’.
  3. When the Command Prompt comes up, run the command-‘ipconfig /flushdns’.

Next, try to run the site for another time, and it might resolve the issue.

Removing conflicting Webpage Extensions

Web page extensions are one of the most important information these days for any purpose. From safeguarding your online privacy to utilizing Chrome to meet frequent business preferences- the extensions have done a great job so far. But not all of the extensions are feasible with Google Chrome. And in this inconsistency, it might make the internet access impossible. Now to get rid of such extensions, First, disable all the extensions; then try to open the webpage. If it is fixed, then try installing the extensions one by one to spot the one causing the error. Then finally get rid of it through the following steps.

  1. Start Chrome
  2. Open Menu and select More
  3. Then navigate through to the tools and select extensions
  4. Click on the remove button after selecting the extensions you wish to remove.

Disabling third-party Anti-virus

An Anti-Virus is always up against any of the malware getting access to your system. They identify the sustainable threats and they prevent them to attack. It can potentially stop any of the web pages by scanning the SSL/TLS protocols if it feels it is a malicious webpage. To identify whether this is the issue or not, first, you disable the third-party anti-virus in your system. Then reload the page, if it opens, then the issue is fixed. The best solution to it is to switch to a better and next level anti-virus.

Disabling QUIC Protocol

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is designed by Google to make the internet more effective and faster, mainly to boost the speed of online games. Because of it being on the experimental stage, it can make things troublesome at times. It can be a sole cause of showing this error ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE for certain web pages. To disable it,

  1. First, launch Google Chrome
  2. Type chrome://flags/#enable-quick
  3. If it is enabled, at the top of the screen you will find Experimental Quick Protocol is enabled. Disable it.
  4. Re-launch the browser and check whether the issue is resolved.

Above are the possible solutions to the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error that is flashing on your screen when you are searching through Google Chrome. If none of the above works, then probably you need to reset or reinstall your browser.

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I'm Kishan Rana, an IT engineer and avid technology enthusiast. Blogging is my passion and I love to write about technological wonders. Being an SEO professional with around 8 years of experience with good leads I provide SEO services to top-level companies around the globe.

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